Upper School

Students smiling at a pep rally.

Last updated: August 9, 2021


Attendance line: (612) 728-7780; call by 8:40am to report an absence.


Corporate worship remains essential to our identity and we’ll have weekly chapel for the Upper School. Students will mask following parent's direction.

Health Services

Minnehaha Academy will continue to have a nurse on-site during school hours. A second health office space, the covid waiting room, will be used for students with covid symptoms.

In order to limit the number of students going to the nurse’s office, instructional spaces will be equipped with supplies to handle basic health needs, such as:

  • Supplies for paper cuts, small abrasions, picked scabs
  • Guidance for minor headaches and/or fatigue
  • Guidance for mild indigestion and/or upset stomach especially immediately after lunch or recess
  • Guidance to help with localized bug bites IF the student has no bug bite allergies
  • Supplies to stop a bloody nose

Lunch will be served at the Upper School. Students will eat in the larger Campus Room and Commons areas on the first floor of the building.


In order to support social distancing in the Upper School classrooms and minimize student transitions, the Upper School will alternate between an Odd Block Day and an Even Block Day with a 30 minute daily period for advisory, club meetings, and Chapel.

Students will have a free period in their schedules, giving them time to complete homework assignments, get help from teachers, see their counselors, complete music lessons, or attend appointments.

Supply List

There is no Upper School supply list. Students should bring their iPad or learning device, a notebook, and something to write with. Teachers will inform students of any particular supply requirements for their individual classes on the first day of class.


Transportation will be available in Minneapolis and the suburbs. Riders will be required to wear masks and follow hand sanitizing protocols. Registration for transportation will be available in Skyward.


Visitor access will be limited. Please call the main office (612) 729-8321 if you need to schedule a meeting.

Lower School is IN-PERSON ✅

Middle School is IN-PERSON ✅

Upper School is IN-PERSON ✅

When to Stay Home

Students and faculty must not come to school if they display any symptoms or come into close contact with COVID-19. Please use our decision tree when determining whether or not to come to school.*

*MA follows guidelines from the MN Health Department for reporting contagious illnesses, please let the school know if your child has a contagious illness or if your family has had close-contact exposure to COVID-19.