Lower School

Two friends in the lower school hugging and giving the thumbs up.

Last updated: August 9, 2021


Preschool Overview

Our Preschool students will spend each day in their classroom with their teacher, teaching assistant, and cohort of peers. Specialist offerings will be in the classroom. Students will eat lunch in their classrooms and enjoy daily time on the playground, weather-permitting.

Preschoolers will be dropped off and picked up at the West Door (near the arena). A Preschool aide will be there to welcome students and to dismiss them.

Note: In the event of a stay at home order or other government-mandated closure, the Preschool program will operate in the school building, similar to daycare programs that will stay open. This will provide care and continuity of programming for our youngest learners.


Lower School Overview


The attendance line is (612) 721-3359. Parents must call the school by 8:45am to report an absence, late arrival, or early departure. As a reminder, parents should call the attendance line if they will be picking their child up early.


Your child's class will be their cohort. They will be together in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, and for specialist activities.


Corporate worship remains essential to our identity. Students will gather together weekly for chapel wearing masks.

Extended Day

Morning care will be available from 7:00am – 8:15am for students in PreK–5.  After school care is available from 3:10-6:00pm. Outdoor activities will be prioritized. 

Health Services

Minnehaha Academy will continue to have a registered nurse on-site at all times. A separate space will be used for students with covid-like symptoms.

In order to limit the number of students going to the nurse’s office, instructional spaces will be equipped with supplies to handle basic health needs, including:

  • Cleaning small scrapes and applying bandaids
  • Providing baggies for lost teeth
  • Guidance for minor headaches and/or fatigue
  • Guidance for mild indigestion and/or upset stomach especially immediately after lunch or recess
  • Guidance to help with localized bug bite AND the student has no bug bite allergies
  • Supplies to stop a bloody nose

The school nurse will respond to emergencies, administer student medications, examine injuries, administer ice, determine if parent approved over-the-counter medicine should be administered (ie: Tylenol, cough drops), and will be available for any other health needs in the building.

  • Lunch will be eaten as a class in the cafeteria.
  • Our food service provider, Taher, will offer a lunch each day. Students may also bring their own lunch from home.
  • Nut-free snacks are also permitted in the instructional spaces.

Play and physical movement is an essential component of a child’s development. Outside activities also limit the risk of viral spread. Students will participate in recess every day, weather permitting, with hand washing/sanitizing before and after being on the playground.


All instructional spaces will have technology to support student learning. We have identified a powerful suite of technology tools that we’ll use throughout the year, including if we are forced to move into a temporary distance learning environment.

Teachers will begin using our identified technology tools immediately in the school year. We will teach students the tools so that they are comfortable and proficient with these tools. We will also provide training for parents on these tools.


Transportation will be available in Minneapolis and the suburbs. Riders will be required to wear masks and follow hand sanitizing protocols. Registration for transportation will be available in Skyward.


In keeping with our commitment to limit exposure and contact between students and families, parents will not be able to come into the building. Visitor access will be limited.

Lower School is IN-PERSON ✅

Middle School is IN-PERSON ✅

Upper School is IN-PERSON ✅

When to Stay Home

Students and faculty must not come to school if they display any symptoms or come into close contact with COVID-19. Please use our decision tree when determining whether or not to come to school.*

*MA follows guidelines from the MN Health Department for reporting contagious illnesses, please let the school know if your child has a contagious illness or if your family has had close-contact exposure to COVID-19.