Urgent Messages

Minnehaha Academy uses a mass notification service called ParentSquare to communicate urgent/time sensitive messages such as school closings due to weather. ParentSquare uses the phone numbers and email addresses that are on file with the school, which you can update by clicking on the Change Contact Info in your Student Profile link in your Skyward account or by contacting our manager of Student Accounts.



When is school closed due to weather?

When the weather is bad, Minnehaha Academy follows a set of guidelines for deciding if school will be open or closed.

The school must make a decision that is the best for all students. We realize, at times, our decisions may not fit with your individual circumstances. Therefore, we encourage and strongly support you in making the decision that is best for your child(ren). You are always the best judge of your child’s health and safety.

What is the process for deciding when schools are open or closed due to excessive temperatures, snow and/or ice?

School Administration reviews the weather conditions beginning early in the morning. They talk with several officials, staff members and other constituents to determine if travel is safe for faculty, staff and students, as well as confirm that buildings and parking areas are accessible.

We hope to make the decision whether to close schools by 5:45 a.m. or earlier, and then communicate this decision to all local news outlets.

How you can find out if schools are closed?

On days when the weather is bad or if temperatures are excessive, listen to WCCO radio or the major public television stations for information about school closing. You can also check our website.

Minnehaha Academy uses a mass notification service called ParentSquare to communicate urgent/time sensitive messages such as school closings due to weather. ParentSquare uses the phone numbers and email addresses that are on file with the school, which you can update by clicking on the Change Contact Info in your Student Profile link in your Skyward account or by contacting our manager of Student Accounts.


When schools are closed, are all activities canceled?

When Minnehaha Academy is closed for the day, it also means that all activities scheduled in school buildings for that day are canceled. This includes all after school programs/sports/activities.

Why do we try to keep school open?

When schools close, many families have issues with childcare. As a result, we try to keep schools open if it’s safe to do so. However, as we stated at the top of this letter, parents can always make the decision to keep their child(ren) at home in bad weather.

Why are school starts not delayed on days when the weather is bad but will improve during the day?

In many of our families, adults working outside the home are not able to adjust their work schedules or find childcare to accommodate a later start. If your family transports your child(ren) to school, we appreciate the extra effort it takes on severe weather days and we acknowledge that the students’ arrival might be somewhat delayed.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For every family that is happy school is in session on days when the weather is bad, there is another family that feels schools should be closed. The decision to open or close schools during inclement weather brings out some of the strongest community reactions – no matter which way we go with our weather decisions.

We appreciate your understanding of the difficulties in making this decision, and your support in helping your child get to school safely on winter roads. Please know that we will use safety considerations in making all of our weather decisions.


Please reach out to our Director of Finance & Operations with questions or concerns.