Student Life
- How many students attend and what is the class size?
- How diverse is the student body?
- Are all students Christians?
- Do students wear uniforms?
- What are the school hours?
How many students attend and what is the class size?
How diverse is the student body?
Are all students Christians?
Do students wear uniforms?
What are the school hours?
- What is the admission process?
- What is Minnehaha Academy’s admission philosophy?
- What is the tuition at Minnehaha Academy?
- Do you offer financial aid?
What is the admission process?
What is Minnehaha Academy’s admission philosophy?
What is the tuition at Minnehaha Academy?
Do you offer financial aid?
- Do you have a preschool program?
- Do you have a full-day Kindergarten?
- What extracurricular activities are available?
- Do you have after school child care?
- Do you provide transportation?
Do you have a preschool program?
Do you have a full-day Kindergarten?
What extracurricular activities are available?
Do you have after school child care?
Do you provide transportation?
Connect with Us!
Do you have more questions about Minnehaha? We'd love to answer them for you. Fill out the form below and a person from our Admission Team will connect with you. We can't wait to meet you and your child!